• Running with Fibro

    “You’re not allowed to run”, she said.   “Watch me”, was my response.   I’ve never disagreed with my naturopath before. Since my diagnoses of fibromyalgia at 19, she has been the only person who has given me any hope. She has seen me through some horrible afflictions and helped me get to the other side. In reality, she is one of…

  • Take Up Your Space

    Don’t be afraid to take up your space.   This was a new concept to me that I first truly heard and understood while taking part in an Alexander Technique class at a summer opera program. And while the opera program itself left me mentally scarred for years (emotional abuse can run high in situations like this and sadly, it did…

  • Fibro and Me

    I was 19 when I first felt the pain that I would become so accustomed to. Home from college for the summer, I decided to attempt my first Zumba class with a few friends at the new arena in town. I remember feeling a really weird sensation in my legs – specifically in my quads. It was strange. Unlike any…